
General Assembly of API Members: Work Strategies and Discussions on Environment, Civic Activism and Human Stories

29 June 2021

Photo: API

After a year of pandemic, the Association of Independent Press (API) brought together its members in an annual General Assembly, held on 24 to 26 June 2021. The event agenda included discussions on the organization's strategic activities, challenges and plans for the coming years, as well as on how media should cover environmental issues and human stories, and stimulate civic participation and activism.

On the first day, the General Assembly of API members examined and approved the organization’s 2020 activity reports, presented by Eugeniu Rîbca, President of API, and Petru Macovei, Executive Director of API. It also heard and approved the Censors Commission’s report, presented by Constantin Rotaru. On the same day, API members worked on API’s draft development strategy for 2021-2025 and on the new draft of the organization's bylaws. Both documents were approved. Hence, in the coming years, API will focus its activities around four strategic areas: 1) Continuing and strengthening advocacy activities for independent media development; 2) Professional, technological and economic strengthening of its members and other independent media outlets 3) Promoting deontology and journalistic ethics, stimulating quality journalism and developing critical thinking of press consumers; 4) Strengthening API’s associative image, including expanding by attracting new members.


During the meeting, a new member joined API’s Board of Directors, namely, the photojournalist Constantin Grigoriță.


On the second day of the event, over 20 representatives of API member newsrooms participated in two sessions of networking and transfer of good practices: "Environmental Issues – Priority for the Media" and "Human Stories and Regional Development through the Eyes of the Media. Why is it important and how do we write about people?” The session dedicated to environmental journalism was moderated by Lilia Curchi from Natura magazine, while the workshop on regional development coverage through human stories – by Lilia Zaharia, API Editorial Coordinator. "It was timely and necessary to have API’s General Assembly talk about environmental journalism and human stories. These are topics that get lost in the chase for audiences but that are highly expected by the public. I am glad that editors and directors agreed that these fields are of current interest,” L. Curchi said. Ruslan Mihalevschi from SP newspaper and portal of Bălți noted, “People and their stories arouse emotions for other people. We will not have emotions for a pipe that has broken but we will feel emotions for those whose gardens have been flooded by that pipe, we will write about them and show them.”


After discussing the promotion of civic activism, Cristina Bobîrcă, Head of API’s Training and Organizational Development Department, concluded, “Our colleagues from national and local newsrooms have generated many ideas, which we could work on together, including promoting in the press positive examples of common involvement of citizens, civic associations and communities in solving problems in their localities, and promoting competition and motivation in communities.” The meeting of API members also hosted the exhibition "Citizens Empowered As Seen By Media," which exhibited visibility products and materials made by the beneficiaries of the Local Grants, Media and Communication Program, implemented by API.


API was established in 1997 by the representatives of the first independent media outlets of the Republic of Moldova to contribute to the development of independent media in our country.


The event was organized within the project "Empowering Citizens in the Republic of Moldova" (2019-2021), funded by the European Union and implemented by the Agency for International Cooperation of Germany (GIZ). The project partner for increasing the visibility potential and citizen engagement is the Association of Independent Press (API).