
Crisis Communication Cell // Teamwork and Role Sharing Ensure Successful Communication with Citizens

25 November 2022

Photo: API

Training for members of the Crisis Communication Cell (CCC) in Ungheni continued in November with several practical sessions on organising and conducting public events and organisational development of the network. International experts Esther Körfgen (Germany) and Liana Khachatryan (Armenia) shared with Ungheni CCC members their international experience in managing and developing such a network, and local trainer Vitalie Condratchi facilitated exchange of knowledge about the energy system in our country.

For members of a crisis communication network who need to react promptly to emergencies, it is essential to develop communication and media interaction skills to convey clear and accurate information to citizens. To this end, CCC members practiced techniques for drafting messages, making public statements and conducting press conferences with Esther Körfgen and Denis Rusu. International trainer Esther Körfgen advised CCC members to be persuasive, explicit, to have a clear position on an event or situation, and to provide arguments and important information for the public when making public statements.


One of the members of the CCC network, Viorica Sau, says that this activity was very useful because she learned how to give a short and clear statement and how to manage emotions in front of the camera: "In particular, I liked practicing how to conduct a press conference, because then you have to answer questions spontaneously and you have to formulate your thoughts and ideas clearly in order not to mislead the audience and to be sure of yourself and the accuracy of the information you give."


For proper functioning and internal organisation of CCC work, it is necessary that each member of the network knows and understands their role in the team. The topics of group structure and internal organization, and assigning roles in the team were part of the agenda of another practical session moderated by international trainer Liana Khachatryan. She believes that assigning roles in a team ensures that activities or products will be carried out by the team quickly, professionally, and in an organized manner.


As a result of this working session, CCC members were divided into several subgroups: media, civil society, libraries and local authorities, which will be responsible for carrying out activities and information materials on the energy crisis and ways to save energy. Each CCC member has been assigned a role in the team followed by various responsibilities. CCC member Aliona Manciu says the library's responsibility is to inform citizens correctly regardless of ethnicity, age or race: "Following the participation in this session, Dimitrie Cantemir Library has already scheduled its first activities for the Ungheni public. In December, we will launch a Phosphorescent Toys Week for ECO(nomical) winter holidays and an essay and drawing competition to raise energy efficiency awareness."


From December 2022 to February 2023, together with the project experts and consultants, the network members will produce thematic information packages with various explanatory materials on energy crisis management. The information materials will be distributed both in Ungheni and in the surrounding localities.


The Crisis Communication Network in Ungheni is a pilot project for the Republic of Moldova, launched by API in partnership with Deutsche Welle Akademie (Germany). The project involves creation of a crisis communication network made up of professionals in different fields who will learn how to manage crisis situations in the country or a locality/region in terms of public communication.