
Consolidating a Network of Investigative Journalists in the Republic of Moldova and Increasing their Capacity to Investigate Corruption Cases

Implementation period: January 2023 – December 2023


Financing organization:

the European Union, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.


The project is implemented by the  Association of Independent Press (API), in partnership with the Center for Journalistic Investigations (CIJM).

1. Increase the quality of investigation and report on corruption cases by capacity building of investigative journalists at national and local levels and by providing international networking & expertise;


2. Produce investigative reports on corruption cases in specific high-risk sectors, with focus on corruption sensitive areas such as Education, Public health, social assistance and Agri-food, of national and local interest;


3. Raising public awareness aiming to prevent corruption among citizens and to increase media coverage of corruption cases.

Project activities implemented by the API:


1.Organise a competition for the best investigative articles;


2.Conduct media monitoring to increase coverage of corruption & integrity aspects;


3.Raise awareness among public servants on the role of the media in investigating and uncovering corruption cases in public institutions.

  • 20 December 2023

    Media outlets have shortcomings in planning and producing media stories about corruption in some areas of public interest. The number of thematic materials is relatively small, short news stories are predominantly published to the detriment of stories with elements of analysis of the corruption phenomenon, and some media outlets choose to take over articles of questionable quality from other sources. These and other findings are contained in the third report on monitoring media coverage of corruption in some areas of public interest, presented by API at a press club. The event took place on 19 December 2023 and was organized in partnership with the Centre for Investigative Journalism (CIJM).

  • 29 March 2024

    ​The German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) and the Association of Independent Press (API) in partnership with the Center for Investigative Journalism of Moldova (CIJM) has awarded prizes to seven investigative journalists, winners of a special competition for members of the investigative journalist network, created and strengthened in 2023-2024. The award ceremony took place during the "Forum of Investigative Journalists of the Republic of Moldova" held in Chișinău on 27 and 28 March 2024.