
Consolidating a Network of Investigative Journalists in the Republic of Moldova and Increasing their Capacity to Investigate Corruption Cases

Implementation period: January 2023 – December 2023


Financing organization:

the European Union, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.


The project is implemented by the  Association of Independent Press (API), in partnership with the Center for Journalistic Investigations (CIJM).

1. Increase the quality of investigation and report on corruption cases by capacity building of investigative journalists at national and local levels and by providing international networking & expertise;


2. Produce investigative reports on corruption cases in specific high-risk sectors, with focus on corruption sensitive areas such as Education, Public health, social assistance and Agri-food, of national and local interest;


3. Raising public awareness aiming to prevent corruption among citizens and to increase media coverage of corruption cases.

Project activities implemented by the API:


1.Organise a competition for the best investigative articles;


2.Conduct media monitoring to increase coverage of corruption & integrity aspects;


3.Raise awareness among public servants on the role of the media in investigating and uncovering corruption cases in public institutions.

  • 04 July 2023

    Do you aspire to engage in high-quality investigative journalism? Are you interested in collaborating with experienced investigative journalists from Moldova and other countries? If so, we invite you to join the Network of Investigative Journalists of Moldova! Here, you will have the opportunity to learn how to uncover corruption schemes, expose fraudulent management of public funds, and discover hidden assets of public figures. In addition, you will benefit from various opportunities for professional growth, including trainings conducted by top local and international experts, study visits and internships at renowned editorial offices across multiple countries, mentoring programs, legal assistance, and financial support for conducting investigative journalism. As a member of the network, you will gain access to local and international databases.

  • 30 August 2023

    Top Moldovan media pay insufficient attention to corruption coverage in some areas of public interest. Editors have serious shortcomings when planning stories on corruption; there is concern about the large number of stories taken over versus one’s own material; and the quality of published material is average and below average. These are some of the findings of the first monitoring report, presented by the Association of Independent Press (API) at a Press Club held on 30 August 2023 in partnership with the Centre for Investigative Journalism (CIJM).

  • 23 October 2023

    In August and September 2023, the number of journalistic materials on corruption in education, health, social assistance and the agri-food sector increased significantly compared to June-July. Likewise, the share of own media products compared to those taken over is higher, and so is the number of stories reported on different online platforms. However, the geographical coverage of corruption remains limited and the percentage of informative material far exceeds that of analytical material, including investigations. These are some of the conclusions of the second report on media monitoring in the Republic of Moldova, presented by the Association of Independent Press (API) at a Press Club held on 20 October 2023 in partnership with the Centre for Investigative Journalism (CIJM).

  • 02 November 2023

    The authorities recognize the importance of well-documented investigative media reports for initiating controls and criminal cases. Investigations by journalists are set as one of the outcome indicators for revealing the actual beneficiaries of illegal concessions, privatizations and public procurements in the National Integrity and Anti-Corruption Strategy for 2017-2020. However, experts note low effectiveness of controls and a low number of sanctions applied to people reported by journalists in investigations. These and other relevant findings are contained in the study "Authorities’ Reactions to Investigative Media Reports on Integrity and Corruption," conducted by the Association of Independent Press (API) and Transparency International (TI)–Moldova, presented publicly at a roundtable on Wednesday 1 November 2023.