
"all for Moldova!" - information campaign for unity and social cohesion

18 July 2023

The Association of Independent Press (API) launches the informational campaign for unity and social cohesion “all for Moldova!” Our goal is to strengthen the resilience of our citizens through unity.

What exactly are we going to do?

As part of this campaign, we will develop and distribute materials on two important areas for the development of the Republic of Moldova:
-National unity
-National security


We will explain these complex topics in an accessible manner, so that every citizen of our country understands them better and can contribute to their strengthening to the extent of their abilities. Now it is important to understand that, despite our differences, we all want peace and security in our family, home and country.

Why do we do this?

We don't think or act alike, but despite our differences and those who try to divide us, we must stay united and strong, for our future and for the generations to come. Through this campaign, we hope to convince ourselves that there are very few things that divide us and many more things that unite us.

We count on your help and responsible involvement. Help us share the information so that it reaches as many people as possible.


It will be difficult for each of us individually, but together we will succeed to build safety and prosperity at home.


Learn more about the campaign on
#united #allforMoldova! #stronger