
Useful Information on Security for Journalists and More

22 September 2021

The Association of Independent Press (API) and the NATO Information and Documentation Center (NATO IDC) have launched the guide for journalists “Security and Security Agenda”, developed within the JAS - Defense and Security Journalism – Network. The paper contains useful information for a better understanding of the complex field of defense and security, a glossary of specific terms and answers to the most common questions on these topics.

"The field of defense and security is often a real professional challenge for media staff, and brief knowledge and superficial understanding directly influence the quality of public information. To help journalists approach this captivating but complex and multidimensional topic professionally is the reason why we have developed this guide, with inputs from well-known security experts and experienced journalists, including JAS members. The paper will certainly be useful not only for journalists but also for journalism, communication, political science students and other people interested in security and defense," API Executive Director Petru Macovei said.


Security experts Elena Mârzac, Executive Director of NATO IDC, and Dr. Natalia Albu, Associate Professor at the Military Academy of the Armed Forces "Alexandru cel Bun", stressed the importance of the guide as support in writing well-documented media reports. "We want to engage as many journalists as possible in covering such important topics. Especially that fake news has become a real threat to state security. Our goal is to help you provide the public with objective information, based on documents, on benchmarks relevant to the field of security. There is very little mention about security and defense but we hope to develop journalists’ ‘taste’ to cover this topic and thus to educate the citizens and inform them objectively, to explain them and reason what our national interests are," E. Mârzac said. "It was important to develop this guide to help the readers strengthen their knowledge in this field. We tried to come up with additional information about security, and not only of military character but rather related to the economic, political, and even psychological dimensions. At the same time, let us not forget the legislative framework on national security, which we also tried to explain in this paper," N. Albu added.


The guide "Security and Security Agenda" has been printed in 500 copies, in Romanian, with the circulation to be distributed to journalism faculties and departments, other education facilities, newsrooms, non-governmental organizations, and other interested persons. You can download the electronic guide HERE. If you wish to obtain the printed version of the guide, please contact us at


The network of journalists in the field of defense and security (JAS Network) was established in 2020 by API and NATO IDC within a project carried out with the financial support of the US Embassy to the Republic of Moldova. The project aims to increase the skills and thematic knowledge of media professionals in the field of security.