
Draft National Media Development Program for 2022-2025 Submitted to Parliament and Ministry of Justice

22 November 2021

The Association of Independent Press (API) has submitted the draft national media development program for 2022-2025 and the draft action plan for program implementation to the Parliamentary Committee on Culture, Education, Research, Youth, Sports and Media and to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova. The drafts were prepared by a working group with the participation of civil society experts and representatives of ministries and other central authorities.

A national program for the development of the media field was to be prepared in February 2019, according to Law no. 67 of 26 July 2018, approving the National Concept for Media Development in the Republic of Moldova. However, this did not happen, and non-governmental media organizations have called on the new authorities to approve and implement such a program. Hence, the finalization and promotion of the draft national media development program on the parliamentary platform was included in the Government Action Plan for 2021-2022, and is to be completed by December 2021.


The draft national media development program for 2022-2025 and the draft action plan for the implementation of the program have been prepared by experts of API and of the Electronic Press Association APEL, and completed within a working group, which included experts from civil society and representatives of public institutions and national authorities (Ministries of Justice, Infrastructure and Regional Development, Education and Research, State Chancellery, Audiovisual Council). The group's work was coordinated by API within a project funded by the Soros Foundation Moldova/Media Department.


The national media development program for 2022-2025 includes a review of the current situation in the field (in terms of legal regulation, field management and professionalization process) and six other chapters detailing the general objectives, specific objectives and the measures required to achieve them; estimates the impact, financial resources and risks in the implementation process; and specifies the authorities and institutions that should be involved in the program implementation as well as the reporting, monitoring and evaluation procedures. The action plan includes 52 measures that should be taken in the period from 2022 to 2025 to ensure a framework conducive to the sustainable development of the media in the Republic of Moldova on democratic and European principles.


API has requested the Parliamentary Committee on Culture, Education, Research, Youth, Sport and the Media and the Ministry of Justice to examine the draft program and action plan in accordance with existing legislative procedures and practices, and the members of the working group who contributed to completing these documents have communicated the readiness to participate in any debates and hearings until their approval.


As part of the project "Promoting Public Policy Initiatives to Ensure Real Media Reforms,” implemented by API and funded by the Soros Foundation-Moldova, experts are also working on other priority drafts for the media, including completing the draft advertising law, amending and supplementing a number of laws to ensure access to information of public interest, supplementing the Competition Law and the Election Code with provisions that would facilitate the work of the media, and other initiatives.