
Crisis Communication Chapters (CCC) Ungheni

Implementation period: August 2022 – March 2023


Financing organization:

DW Akademie and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).


Project goal: To establish a two-way communication channel with the community of Ungheni by listening to the needs of the citizens and providing them with reliable answers to pressing questions packaged in a way that is accessible and relatable to help them understand the context and complexity of the energy crisis faced by the Republic of Moldova.

1. To establish and consolidate the Crisis Communication Chapter (CCC) in Ungheni, whose members will learn how to manage from the point of view of public communication the crisis situations that the country or locality/region face;


2. To inform the citizens of Ungheni regarding the energy crisis faced by the Republic of Moldova, through two thematic informational packages.

1. Organization of thematic training and networking sessions for CCC Ungheni members, with the participation of national and international experts;


2. The production and dissemination by CCC Ungheni of two thematic informational packages containing various media products on the topic of energy crisis. The informational packages will be diseminated both in Ungheni and in the neighboring localities.

  • 15 March 2023

    La Ungheni a avut loc un eveniment de prezentare a rezultatelor activității Celulei de Comunicare de Criză (CCC), care a întrunit atât membrii rețelei, cât și locuitori din Ungheni și beneficiari ai diferitor activități desfășurate în perioada decembrie 2022 - martie 2023. Evenimentul a avut loc în martie 2023 la Biblioteca Publică „Dimitrie Cantemir” și a fost organizat de Asociația Presei Independente (API) în cadrul proiectului CCC Ungheni realizat în parteneriat cu Deutsche Welle Akademie (Germania).

  • 04 November 2022

    What a crisis is and how it could be overcome through different communication tools were the topics tackled in the first phase of training for members of Ungheni Crisis Communication Cell. International expert Suzanne Moll and local expert Vitalie Condratchi familiarized the participants with the basics of crisis and crisis management, especially with reference to the energy crisis.

  • 25 November 2022

    Training for members of the Crisis Communication Cell (CCC) in Ungheni continued in November with several practical sessions on organising and conducting public events and organisational development of the network. International experts Esther Körfgen (Germany) and Liana Khachatryan (Armenia) shared with Ungheni CCC members their international experience in managing and developing such a network, and local trainer Vitalie Condratchi facilitated exchange of knowledge about the energy system in our country.