Building Sustainable and Inclusive Peace, Strengthening Trust and Social Cohesion in Moldova
Strengthening media capacities for coverage of gender and conflict sensitive issues, promoting social cohesion and peace-building processes from human rights and gender equality perspectives by providing organisational development assistance and support with media content production, training sessions, networking development with participation and involvement of beneficiaries from both sides of Nistru River.
1. Launch application for participation in project activities;
2. Organize a cycle of trainings for program beneficiaries on gender and conflict-sensitive media coverage/communication;
3. Develop practical tools to support and stimulate gender and conflict sensitive media coverage/reporting;
4. Organize a competition to encourage the capacity of media organizations/outlets to engage in peacebuilding efforts from human security and gender perspectives;
5. Support joint initiatives of beneficiaries on both sides of Nistru River in content production;
6. Organize and run an open competition for media professionals to stimulate their efforts and contribution to peace building and social cohesion;
7. Organize and conduct dialogue, confidence building and exchange of experience events on project’s priority themes.
27 October 2023
More than 35 journalists, freelancers, civic activists and experts from both sides of Nistru River met in Chișinău, where they discussed ways to collaborate on media coverage of gender and conflict-sensitive issues, building trust among people, contributing to peace building and social cohesion. The discussion forum "Peace and Social Cohesion on Both Banks of Nistru River: Exchange of Views for Confidence Building," was held by the Association of Independent Press (API) on 26 October 2023 under the project "Building Sustainable and Inclusive Peace, Strengthening Confidence and Social Cohesion on Both Banks of Nistru River," supported by the UN Human Rights Office, UNDP, and UN Women.
27 October 2023
Более 35 журналистов, фрилансеров, гражданских активистов и экспертов с обоих берегов Днестра собрались в Кишиневе и обсудили способы сотрудничества для освещения гендерно- и конфликтно-чувствительной тематики, повышения доверия, содействия укреплению мира и социальной сплоченности. Дискуссионный форум «Мир и социальная сплоченность на обоих берегах Днестра: обмен мнениями для укрепления доверия» проведен Ассоциацией независимой прессы (API) 26 октября 2023 года в рамках проекта «Построение устойчивого и инклюзивного мира, укрепление доверия и социальной сплоченности на обоих берегах Днестра», реализуемого при поддержке Офиса ООН по правам человека, ПРООН и ООН-Женщины.
16 December 2023
Twenty media professionals and civic activists improved their skills in the first training session “Words That Matter: Strategies for Accurate Reporting of Gender– and Conflict–Sensitive Issues," organized by UN Women and API on 13 and 14 December 2023 in Vadul lui Vodă. The training was part of the "Media for Peace and Equality on Both Sides of Nistru River" Program, one of the objectives of which is to create a discussion platform to stimulate collaboration and generate joint project ideas between professionals on both sides of Nistru River.
27 January 2024
Încă 16 profesioniști și profesioniste media, activiste și activiști civici din toată țara, inclusiv din stânga Nistrului, și-au consolidat cunoștințele privind relatarea corectă a subiectelor sensibile la gen și conflicte. Sesiunea de formare „Cuvinte care contează: strategii pentru relatarea corectă a subiectelor sensibile la gen și conflicte”, la fel ca și cea din decembrie 2023, fac parte din programul „Media pentru Pace și Egalitate pe ambele maluri ale Nistrului”. Instruirea desfășurată de UN Women și API a avut loc la 24-25 ianuarie 2024 în una din stațiunile de la Vadul lui Vodă.