
Strengthening Integrity in Public Procurement Through Media Input

Implementation period: September 2023 – June 2024 


Financing organization: the Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDIS) "Viitorul" and the Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF)

1. Monitor procurement procedures of selected projects under the National Programme "European Village"/"European Village Express" in the period from 2023 to 2024 by producing a cycle of investigative reports and making recommendations for authorities and economic entities;


2. Promote good local governance practices by producing a cycle of thematic articles and publishing them in regional and national media.

1. Monitor correct use of public procurement procedures in LPA level I and draft monitoring report with proposals to remove illegalities and recover public money;


2. Document and publish investigative reports on public money use and procurement in the regions;


3. Make public presentation of monitoring results and expert recommendations for improving the quality of local governance;


4. Write articles on best practices of LPAs in the procurement process and publish them in newspapers and on various online platforms.

  • 10 June 2024

    În perioada caldă a anului, cei peste 3300 de oamenii din satul Pârlița, raionul Fălești, vor fi văzuți mai des pe stadion, loc de agrement şi de practicare a sportului, care a fost renovat şi modernizat de curând. Beneficiari ai proiectului vor fi și cei pasionați de sport din localitățile vecine, care vor putea participa și la competiții sportive. Proiectul de renovare a stadionului, în valoare de circa 372 de mii de lei, a fost realizat în cadrul Programului Național „Satul European Expres”.