
Security Trainings and Assistance for Media Resilience in the Republic of Moldova

Implementation period: 1 October 2022 – 31 March 2023


Financing organization: DW Akademie (Germany)

1. Strengthen the knowledge of journalists and managers of independent media outlets in the country through a cycle of security training;


2. Strengthen the capacity of beneficiary newsrooms by conducting in-house security training and assisting them in the procurement and use of physical and digital equipment.

1. Launch security training and support programme, enrolment and selection of beneficiary newsrooms;


2. Conduct a cycle of offline and online training to deepen the knowledge of newsroom staff on physical, psychological and digital security;


3. In-house training for the newsrooms included in the programme, assessment of their security needs, expert advice on the purchase and use of physical and digital equipment.

  • 01 November 2022

    Asociația Presei Independente (API) și DW Akademie (Germania) anunță lansarea Programului de suport și instruire pentru instituțiile mass-media în domeniile securității fizice, psihologice și digitale. La program se pot înscrie redacțiile (posturi TV și radio, ziare și portaluri de știri) care produc și publică conținut jurnalistic de interes public și cu respectarea principiilor deontologice.

  • 15 December 2022

    Due to the recent threats and dangers, including Russia's war against Ukraine, journalists are increasingly faced with situations that can seriously affect their physical and psychological integrity. To help them cope with these challenges, API in partnership with DW Akademie on 8-11 December 2022 conducted a training on “3-D Safety for Journalists" with British experts. The activity is part of the Media Assistance Program in the field of security, attended by journalists and managers from nine national and regional media outlets in the country (TV and radio stations, online and print media).

  • 02 March 2023

    Seven national and regional media outlets across the country have benefited from in-house digital security assistance, and more than 50 staff members have improved their knowledge and skills on cyber threats. The work took place under the Security Assistance Program, implemented by API with the support of DW Akademie, since last October.