
Regional Civil Society and Media Outlets in Support of European Reforms, Sustainable Development and Citizen Participation in Strengthening Local Democracy

Implementation period: October 2019 - November 2021


Financing organization: European Union


Project goal: To enhance the potential of communication of citizens, civil society organizations and media outlets in Moldova’s regions in debating local issues and policies

1. Develop the capacity of local nongovernmental organizations and media outlets in the area of communication and public awareness raising in regions, by training and sub-granting for developing and disseminating a creative media content that promotes the European Union values and support for the sustainable development of Moldova’s regions;


2. Strengthen the knowledge and skills of local nongovernmental organizations in holding information campaigns on topics of local interest by supporting them with planning and holding participatory public events on the supply of public services;


3. Improve knowledge in public informing and awareness raising on sustainable development and local public services, by training and exchange of experience and of good practices in this area;

4. Provide complex informing and creative awareness raising on the European values and support provided by EU for modernizing Moldova by having API carry out campaigns, at regional and national levels, for enhancing the visibility of EU-funded projects.

1. Sub-granting for regional CSO and for partnership of CSO and regional media, which will efficiently, innovatively and creatively promote EU projects implemented in different regions of the country (in particular, but which will not be limited to GIZ's priority areas of activity, namely - supply with water and sewerage, solid waste management, energy efficiency of public buildings, environmental problems and other related topics);


2. Trainings, in-house programs and workshops covering such topics as production of innovative media content; communication strategies; advocacy tools; organization of public debates, to discuss with the citizens about the EU assistance for regional development, the quality of public services in their localities and their participation in decision-making;


3. Public information and awareness-raising campaign on the European values and the support offered by the EU for the modernization of the Republic of Moldova. 

  • 15 February 2021

    The EU Local Grants, Media and Communication Program, Second Call, implemented within the project "Empowering Citizens in the Republic of Moldova," has selected seven non-governmental organizations and media outlets to benefit from support for information and promotion projects in the field of public services and environmental protection. The project "Empowering Citizens in the Republic of Moldova" is funded by the European Union and implemented by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), and the project partner for increasing the potential for visibility and citizen engagement is the Association of Independent Press (API).

  • 02 April 2021

    Asociația Presei Independente (API) invită toţi jurnaliştii interesaţi la un webinar în domeniul jurnalismului de soluții, care se va desfășura timp de 2 zile, la 14 și 22 aprilie 2021, pe platforma

  • 18 May 2021

    Asociația Presei Independente (API) anunță un concurs deschis pentru selectarea a 1-2 experţi/experte în domeniul comunicării și relațiilor publice pentru organizații neguvernamentale. Experţii/expertele vor oferi servicii de elaborare a Strategiei de Comunicare a Asociației Presei Independente (API), care va conține cele mai noi tehnici în materie de comunicare și vizibilitate, menite să contribuie eficient la consolidarea imaginii API în spațiul public.

  • 24 May 2021

    Asociația Presei Independente (API) anunță inițiativa Uniunii Europene privind un concurs de idei al Programului de Granturi Locale lansat în cadrul proiectului „Abilitarea cetățenilor în Republica Moldova”, la care pot participa organizații neguvernamentale de media locale şi instituţii mass-media locale şi regionale.