
Involvement and commitment to combat disinformation

Implementation period:  August 2023 – March 2024


Financing organization: Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR)


Project goal: To encourage greater involvement of different categories of Moldovan citizens in the fight against disinformation by stimulating critical thinking, strengthening information verification skills, and stimulating public reporting of cases of disinformation and information manipulation.

1. Promote critical thinking and enhance the ability of information consumers to distinguish qualitative information from speculation and disinformation, through face-to-face meetings and discussions with consumers and special categories of professionals, especially social workers;


2. Stimulate the practice of public reporting of false and distorted information through competitions and incentives for the most active fighters of falsehoods;


3. Strengthen the fact-checking skills of young journalists, students, activists through training and networking activities to increase their involvement and engagement in anti-disinformation activities.

1. Organize and hold 10 meetings with media consumers from rural regions to discuss about disinformation and critical thinking, especially in times of war;


2. Organize and hold 16 meetings with social workers from different districts/regions to strengthen their knowledge and capacity to counter disinformation;


3. Publish five editions of the thematic education page "Think critically!" and publish it in 12 newspapers with national and regional/local distribution;


4. Produce and publish on portal of journalistic materials to debunk viral falsehoods in the public space and on communication platforms and their promotion on social networks;


5. Organize and run one edition of the false and misleading information reporting contest on platform, and reward the winners;


6. Training and networking for young journalists, students and activists on fact-checking, to stimulate their involvement in the fight against disinformation and to expand API's network of fact-checkers.

  • 01 November 2023

    20 de studenți, tineri jurnaliști, juriști, profesori și activiști civici din mai multe localități au participat la un training de o zi în domeniul combaterii dezinformării, verificării faptelor și dezvoltării gândirii critice, care s-a desfășurat în Chișinău, pe 27 octombrie 2023.

  • 19 February 2024

    Aproape 500 de angajați din domeniul asistenței sociale din 16 raioane au participat la sesiuni de informare organizate de Asociația Presei Independente (API) în cadrul Campaniei împotriva informației false și tendențioase STOP FALS!. Întâlnirile au avut scopul de a consolida capacitatea specialiștilor în asistență socială de a combate dezinformarea și a-i ajuta pe beneficiarii de servicii sociale să se protejeze de dezinformare.