

Since December 2009 and up till August 2010, API in partnership with Association COMUNISON RC from Great Britain published the magazine „Pro Diaspora” – periodical about and for immigrants originating from Republic of Moldova.

This magazine „Pro Diaspora” aimed to serve as a communication bridge between the citizens of Republic of Moldova and the Moldovans from abroad, and connect the Moldovan diaspora from Europe and other places to the realties from the country, as well as inform Moldovan immigrants about the opportunities to invest the money earned abroad in the economy of our country. „Pro Diaspora” has been writing about the problems, success or failures, expectations and experience of Moldovans from France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Great Britain, Austria, Germany and other countries, providing thematic information about the communities of Moldovans abroad, their professional capacities and rights in the host countries, etc.

The monthly circulation of the magazine amounted to 10000 copies. 80 per cent were distributed abroad, and the remaining 20 per cent – in R. Moldova.

The magazine „Prodiaspora” has been published under the project „Migrants Diaspora Initiative for Media Enterprise (Migrants DIME)”, implemented by API and COMUNISON RC, with the financial support of Joint Migration and Development Initiative (JMDI) of the European Commission and United Nations Organization (UNO). JMDI is implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Brussels office, in partnership with European Commission, with the direct involvement of UN agencies – ICNUR, UNFPA, ILO and IOM.

ProDiaspora, ed. nr. 1, decembrie 2009

Ed. nr. 2, ianuarie-februarie 2010

Ed. Nr. 3, martie 2010

Ed. Nr. 4, aprilie 2010

Ed. Nr. 5, mai 2010

Ed. Nr. 6, iunie 2010

Ed. Nr. 7, iulie 201

Ed. Nr. 8, septembrie 2010