
World Press Freedom Day. Information is a public good

03 May 2021

3 May marks World Press Freedom Day, proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993, following a recommendation of the 1991 UNESCO General Conference and the Declaration on the Promotion of a Free, Independent and Pluralistic Press, approved by African journalists in Windhoek, Namibia, on 3 May 1991. All over the world, on this day, citizens are informed about abuses against journalists and violations of press freedom, which is a fundamental right recognised and protected by most modern states. On this day, we send messages of solidarity to journalists and editors who are harassed, attacked and even killed around the world, we protest against censorship, prosecution of journalists, fines and illegal suspension of media sources.

On World Press Freedom Day 2021, UNESCO is running the "Information as a Public Good" campaign, reminding governments of the need to live up to their commitment to ensure press freedom and urging media professionals to reflect on issues of press freedom and professional ethics. "This year's World Press Freedom Day theme 'Information as a public good' underlines the undeniable importance of verified and reliable information. We therefore draw attention to the essential role of free and professional journalists in producing and disseminating this information to combat misinformation and other harmful content," said Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, in a World Press Freedom Day message.


In the Republic of Moldova, non-governmental media organisations hold Press Freedom Days during the month of May. During this period, the Independent Press Association (API) is planning the following events:


  • On 4 May, the national contest for students will be launched: "Good governance for everyone. Get involved!

  • on 5 May, the Study on the reaction of the authorities to journalistic investigations on integrity and corruption, carried out by API in partnership with Transparency International Moldova, will be presented;

  • a podcast competition on disinformation, including COVID-19 and vaccination, for radio stations and portals will be launched in the first decade of May;

  • a special meeting of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum National Platform dedicated to World Press Freedom Day is to be held on 11 May 2021;

  • in the framework of the project "Journalism in the field of defence and security", a press club will be held on 13 May: "National security in the context of escalating regional conflicts" with the participation of local and foreign experts;

  • on 14 May, API invites journalists to the webinar "Freedom of expression vs. defence of professional honour, dignity and reputation";

  • during May, API will continue to support the work of the Working Group for the finalisation of the Strategy and Action Plan for the implementation of the National Concept for Media Development and will launch the #CeremRealReformsInMedia! campaign;

  • in the second half of the month, the results of API's annual competitions for 2020 will be presented and the "Tudor Iascenco Award", established in memory of the director of the independent newspaper "Cuvântul", the well-known investigative journalist and the first president of API, Tudor Iascenco, will be awarded;

  • at the end of May, API will present the Report on attacks on media contributors in Armenia, Georgia and Moldova in 2020.


API's activities dedicated to Press Freedom Days 2021 are carried out in partnership and in the framework of projects funded by the European Union and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the US Embassy in Moldova, Soros Foundation Moldova, Deutsche Welle Akademie (Germany), Justice for Journalists Foundation (UK).