
Start voting for the "Good governance for everyone" contest. Get involved!": choose your favorite work!

28 June 2021

The Independent Press Association (API) started online voting in the national contest for students "Good governance for everyone. Get involved!". At this competition, which promotes the principles of good governance, 54 competitors from 41 educational institutions in the country presented their works. Until July 23 this year, the public has the opportunity to vote for their favorite work on the website


In the contest "Good governance for everyone. Get involved!", students of grades VIII-XII from gymnasiums and high schools in the country had the opportunity to submit, between May 4 and June 22, 2021, works in three competition categories: texts, images and clips. In total, API received 54 works, including 30 essays/poems, 15 drawings/pictures/caricatures and 9 videos/animations promoting the principles of good governance, accountability of authorities to citizens, active involvement of citizens in decision-making and monitoring rational and correct use of public money, etc.


All works accepted for the contest were placed on the web page, and between June 28 and July 23 this year, any visitor can vote, in one or more different sections, having the possibility to give within 24 of hours at most one vote for each of the three categories. At the same time, the works submitted to the competition will be evaluated by experts from API and outside the organization. The members of the jury will evaluate the works according to the following criteria: correspondence to the announced theme, expressiveness and originality of the work, logical exposition of the message, ethics of the presentation and respect for copyright.


The authors of the two best works from each category of the contest, as well as the public's favorite (voting on the web page) from each category, will be awarded with valuable gifts.


The totalization of the contest results will take place in August 2021, during a festive event that will take place at a guesthouse in Vadul lui Vodă.


For additional information: Ion Mazur, tel.: 068 983 983, e-mail:


The contest is made with the financial support of the European Union and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Its content is the exclusive responsibility of the "Responsibility and civic involvement for good governance" project, implemented by the Independent Press Association (API), within the "Development of civil society at the local level in the Republic of Moldova" grant program, and does not necessarily reflect the views of European Union.