
PUBLIC STATEMENT: We condemn energy blackmail by the Russian Federation and call on the Moldovan Government and development partners to diversify natural gas supplies

18 October 2021

The member organisations of the National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum are following with concern the developments regarding the negotiations with Gazprom on the supply of natural gas to the Republic of Moldova. We consider unacceptable the procrastination of the negotiation process on the part of Gazprom and the intentional perpetuation of uncertainty regarding the delivery of natural gas. The behaviour of the Russian side shows all the signs of blackmail, as this delay has no economic or technical motivation. We call on the Moldovan government not to accept any political conditionality with the Russian side and in case Gazprom's delivery of gas on the previous conditions is not accepted, to boost the process of identifying alternative sources through Energocom from traders operating on international exchanges. At the moment, the Republic of Moldova is ready in terms of infrastructure to import natural gas through the southern, northern, western and eastern pipelines. Therefore, we believe that the Republic of Moldova has all the prerequisites to examine a multitude of other options for supplying the Republic of Moldova with natural gas, considering in particular the Iasi-Ungheni pipeline and the reverse supply via the Isaccea pipeline, as well as the traditional routes in the east and north of the country. Even if alternative sources of natural gas will be more expensive, the price of possible political conditionality in relation to Gazprom/Russian Federation may be immeasurably higher than the prices set on international exchanges. At the same time, the social impact of higher tariffs for consumers can be mitigated by targeted compensation measures for socially vulnerable groups. We call on Moldova's development partners to provide financial, technical and political support to help Moldova strengthen its energy security. We call on all political forces in the country to avoid speculation on the energy crisis and to unite their efforts in the interest of the Republic of Moldova, i.e. to promote the right to have the freedom to purchase natural gas from various sources. We call on the entire population of the Republic of Moldova to show responsibility in the rational use of natural gas and to understand that the situation created is induced by two major factors over which the Republic of Moldova has no influence: historically high natural gas prices on international exchanges and political blackmail from Gazprom/Russian Federation. List of organisations supporting statement 1. Independent Analytical Centre "Expert-Grup" 2. Institute for European Policies and Reforms 3. European Institute for Policy Studies in Moldova 4. National Youth Council of Moldova (CNTM) 5. WatchDog.MD Community 6. Women's Association for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development 7. Environmental Protection for Sustainable Development 8. AO EcoContact 9. AO National Environmental Center 10. AO "Caroma Nord" 11. INFONET Alliance 12. Eco-Răzeni 13. Ecological Movement of Moldova 14. LDA Moldova 15. ESGA Moldova 16. Foreign Policy Association 17. AO "CASMED" 18. Legal Resources Centre of Moldova (CRJM) 19. Foundation for Development 20. Transparency International 21. Promo-LEX Association 22. Association of Professional and Business Women of Moldova 23. IDIS Viitorul 24. AO "Pro Cooperare Regională" 25. Association of Independent Press (API) 26. National Confederation of Employers of the Republic of Moldova 27. Terra-1530 Association 28. Republican Centre "Gutta-Club" 29. AO Inetractiune 30. Laboratory of Initiatives for Development LID MOLDOVA 31. AEGEE-Chisinau 32. Centre for Entrepreneurship and Economic Policies (CAPE) 33. Regional Centre for Sustainable Development Ungheni 34. Centre for Policies and Reforms 35. AO CERTITUDINE 36. Association for Efficient and Responsible Governance 37. Association of Environmental and Environmental Tourism Journalists