
PUBLIC APPEAL Civil society organisations, the Council for the Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination and Equality and the Press Council call on electoral contestants and their supporters not to use hate speech

31 May 2021

In the context of the electoral campaign for the early parliamentary elections of 11 July 2021, civil society organisations, the Council for the Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination and Ensuring Equality and the Press Council repeatedly draw attention to the fact that hate speech and incitement to discrimination in the public space, in the media and online in the Republic of Moldova is increasingly used in electoral campaigns and affects the whole society. In the last two years, the number of cases of hate speech has doubled (from 2 to 4.9 cases per day), with hate speech being most prevalent in political contexts (52% of the total number of cases). At the same time, the monitoring of hate speech by Promo-LEX Association in the context of the new local elections in Chisinau on 20 May 2018, the parliamentary elections of 24 February 2019, the general local elections of 20 October 2019 and the presidential elections of 2020 shows that candidates and their supporters, as well as politicians, are both perpetrators of hate speech and victims. Also, one of the signatory organizations, Promo-LEX Association, drew attention in the Analytical Note on the provisions of the internal regulatory documents of political parties in Moldova that although some parties prohibit the use of forms of expression close to hate speech in their statutes, yet in the last two years, members of these parties have used hate speech and incitement to discrimination. On the one hand, hate speech against candidates, politicians, party members and their sympathisers is used and spread by other politicians, and on the other hand, through their statutes, politicians who use hate speech cause prejudices to take root, negative attitudes to develop in society and even forms of violence against other social groups to emerge. In these circumstances, the signatory organisations, the Council for the Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination and for Ensuring Equality and the Press Council welcome the inclusion, on 12 May 2021, of provisions prohibiting the broadcasting of election spots and reports likely to propagate, incite, promote or justify racial hatred, xenophobia, anti-Semitism or other forms of hatred based on intolerance or discrimination based on sex, race, nationality, religion, disability or sexual orientation in the Regulation on the coverage of the electoral campaign for the early parliamentary elections of 11 July 2021 by the Central Electoral Commission. Thus, in the context of the electoral campaign for the early parliamentary elections of 11 July 2021, as well as the Constitutional Court's Opinion of 10 December 2020, the signatories of the appeal urge political parties, their candidates and supporters, as well as politicians: To respect the dignity of all persons regardless of race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, language spoken, political affiliation or any other protected criteria. Use respectful language towards their political opponents and opponents. Promote balanced public discourse in political activity and, in particular, in election campaigns. Dissociate themselves from intolerant messages generated by party members. To react firmly to messages of hate and incitement to discrimination in the public space, in the media and online. Not allow the use of hate speech and incitement to discrimination against different social groups. Not to use sexist, hateful and discriminatory images in election campaign materials. Not express, advocate or promote ideas or theories of superiority of a group of people on the basis of race, ethnic origin, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, other protected personal characteristics or a combination thereof. The list of signatory organisations and authorities can be accessed here