
Media NGOs condemn the illegal actions of peacekeeping soldiers against journalists

09 February 2021

Non-governmental media organizations express their deep concern and condemn the actions of intimidation of TV8 journalists, Viorica Tătaru and Andrei Captarenco, carried out by the members of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces. According to the information published on the TV8 page, on February 9, 2021, during the exercise of journalistic activity, Viorica Tătaru and Andrei Captarenco were blocked by the military from the peacekeeping forces at the crossing of the Dniester, in the village of Gura-Bâcului. The peacekeepers were dissatisfied with the fact that the reporters, in the exercise of their professional mission, made video recordings and asked them to delete all the filmed images, threatening them with detention. We warn the legitimate authorities of the rule of law, the Republic of Moldova, about the seriousness of the interference with human rights and freedoms, guaranteed at the national and international level, both through the violation of individual freedoms and the safety of people, as well as through the interference with the special rights guaranteed to journalists. In accordance with art. 25 of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, the individual freedom and safety of the person are inviolable, and the search, detention or arrest of a person is allowed only in the cases and with the procedure provided by law. We emphasize that, according to art. 4 para. (1) of the Law on Freedom of Expression, the state guarantees the freedom of expression of the media and no one can prohibit or prevent the media from disseminating information of public interest except in accordance with the law. Moreover, para. (5) of the same article provides that the intentional illegal obstruction of media activity attracts criminal liability. The signatory organizations vehemently condemn the abusive and illegal actions of members of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces, directed against journalists, and signal the inadmissibility of tolerating such serious violations. At the same time, we remind you that this is not the only case in which the soldiers of the peacekeeping forces defy the rights and guarantees of journalists, enshrined in the legislation of the Republic of Moldova. In relation to the above-mentioned, we request the Delegation of the Republic of Moldova in the Unified Control Commission (CUC) and the Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, Olga Cebotari, that, by virtue of their legal attributions: take note of the violations committed by to the members of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces; to put forward an approach with a view to convening the CUC meeting; to request the initiation of a procedure to establish the illegality of the actions of the soldiers of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces; to publicly present information on the measures taken after the referral. At the same time, we call on the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to monitor the process of establishing the illegality of the peacekeepers' actions and sanctioning the people who acted against the law. Center for Independent Journalism Independent Press Association Electronic Press Association Media-Guard Public Association "Access-Info" Center RISE Moldova Association of Environmental Journalists and Ecological Tourism