
Media NGOs condemn intimidation of NewsMaker editors by police employees

04 March 2021

Non-governmental media organisations express concern about abusive practices of intimidation of journalists by Moldovan police employees. According to NewsMaker (NM), after the publication of an article about the existence of a criminal case against two policemen, the newsroom was sued by the protagonists of the article. The two persons concerned in the article also complained to the police, requesting that journalist Alexandra Batanova (author of the article) be held liable for libel. NewsMaker learned about the existence of the complaints from the Chief of Police Section No. 1, Nicolae Cornescu, who, contrary to the procedural rules of the Contravention Code, went in person to the headquarters of the media institution and, not finding Alexandra Batanova on the spot, left her phone number to be contacted. It should be noted that, according to the law, the authority competent to deal with the contravention case was obliged to summon the journalist in writing to appear at the police headquarters, including informing her of her right to be heard in the presence of a lawyer. The appearance of the Chief of Police No 1 at the police station is therefore contrary to the law and can only be interpreted as an attempt to intimidate journalists. Since the abusive actions of police officer Nicolae Cornescu show a biased attitude towards the complainants, we ask the law enforcement authorities to be guided exclusively by the provisions of the law in the resolution of the case. We recall that, according to Articles 4 and 26 of the Law on Police Activity and the Status of the Police Officer, "the activity of the police is carried out exclusively on the basis of and for the execution of the law (...)", and "the police officer carries out his professional activity in the interest and support of the person, the community and the state institutions, exclusively on the basis of and in execution of the law, being obliged: b) to be guided, in the exercise of his duties, by the law, ensuring the fulfilment of the tasks that lie before the police". We consider the behaviour of the Chief of Police Section No. 1, Nicolae Cornescu, to be unacceptable and dishonourable for the position he holds, and his actions represent a defiance of the freedom of the press and undermine public confidence in the Moldovan Police. Therefore, NGOs: Call on the Ministry of Internal Affairs to take note of the unlawful actions of the Chief of Police Sector No. 1 and to publicly communicate the measures taken in relation to Nicolae Cornescu; Call on the law enforcement bodies to abide exclusively by the provisions of the law, to stop abusive and illegal practices of intimidation of journalists. Independent Journalism Centre Independent Press Association Electronic Press Association Press Freedom Committee Media-Guard Public Association "Acces-Info" Centre RISE Moldova Association of Environmental and Environmental Tourism Journalists