
STATEMENT of the National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum on granting Moldova EU candidate status

10 June 2022

Welcoming the Resolution of the European Parliament from May 5, 2022 that called on the EU institutions to grant EU candidate status to the Republic of Moldova, in line with Article 49 of the Treaty on European Union and on the basis of merit.

Welcoming the Resolution of the European Parliament from May 5, 2022 that called on the EU institutions to grant EU candidate status to the Republic of Moldova, in line with Article 49 of the Treaty on European Union and on the basis of merit.

Taking into consideration that EU is the most important economic and political partner of the Republic of Moldova: two thirds of exports of Moldova (including Transnistria) are oriented to EU, most investments are coming from EU, while the Association Agreement signed in 2014 is the main transformation agenda followed by the Moldovan authorities, which already brought tangible benefits.

Being deeply concerned about the Russian aggression in Ukraine and that Moldova is the next most affected country through direct security threats, as well as economic and social implications of this war, which calls for an urgent stability and development anchor for our country in the form of a clear European perspective.

Taking into account the analysis that shows that Moldovan economy will be able to withstand the ongoing crisis and recover fast if it will get more access to external funding, the EU market and obtain a clear European adherence perspective. It will allow the country to overcome easier its structural problems (low competitiveness, declining economic potential, low economic diversification) and the ongoing crisis induced by global inflation and war in Ukraine. Despite its vulnerabilities, the Moldovan economy, if properly supported, will be able to emerge stronger from this crisis due to macro-financial flexibility, low indebtedness, high reserves’ adequacy and, last but not least, stable and credible government1.

Pointing to the fact that a clear majority of Moldovan society supports membership in the EU, evidenced by most recent polls, as well as the latest Parliamentary elections in 2021 that brought to power a pro-European and pro-reform Parliamentary majority. Moldova is also strongly connected to the EU already by almost a million of Moldovan citizens who work, study and live in the EU today.

Underlining that Moldova is not looking for shortcuts and that Moldova’s European path will take time and effort. However, granting Moldova EU candidate status with a strong European perspective will serve as a powerful booster for the entire Moldovan society amid severe regional crises.2 As with the Western Balkans and previous EU enlargements, every aspiring country has its own path and speed. Moldova’s way to accession should be based on meritocracy and achieved results.

We call on the European Council to grant Moldova EU candidate status and thus recognizse EU's determination to effectively support Moldova's European membership perspective and the path towards opening the accession process in line with Article 49 of the TEU, based on its merits and once the established criteria are met; while the country’s track record in the implementation of the Association Agreement and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area will also advance its gradual integration into the EU single market in the meantime.

We call on the Government of the Republic of Moldova to further advance national efforts to accelerate European integration, ensure full implementation of the Association Agreement, consolidate democratic institutions, good governance and rule of law.

This statement is signed by all members of the Moldovan National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civic Society Forum.


The Moldovan National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civic Society Forum was created in 2011 and currently has 96 member organisations, 7 of these organisation being umbrella-organisations for other 255 organisations. Its mission is to contribute to the European integration process and advocate for democracy in the Republic of Moldova. The National Platform actively contributes to the advocacy process and monitors the implementation of the Association Agreement between the EU and the Republic of Moldova and other relevant documents that refer to the Eastern Partnership and the relationship between the EU and the Republic of Moldova.


1. "Why EU should not hesitate in granting Candidate Status to Moldova?”, Adrian Lupusor, Expert-Grup: ce-ue-nu-ar-trebui-s%C4%83-ezite-%C3%AEn-acordarea-statutului-de-candidat-moldovei

2. "No time to wait, give Moldova EU candidate status", Iulian Groza (IPRE) and Stefan Meister (DGAP),