
API launches a new competition for students: "Good governance for everyone. Get involved!”

04 May 2021

The Independent Press Association (API) launches the national competition "Good governance for everyone. Get involved!", intended for students in grades VIII-XII from gymnasiums and high schools in the country, who will transmit texts, images and video clips promoting the principles of good governance and involvement in community life. The authors of the two best works from each category of the contest, as well as the public's favorite (voting on the web page) in each category, will be awarded with valuable gifts.


The contest "Good governance for everyone. Get involved!” takes place between May 4 and June 15, 2021 and has three categories:


  • texts (essays, poems);

  • images (photos, drawings, caricatures);

  • clips (including short videos of up to 2 minutes and/or animations).


The competition accepts creative works that explain why it is important to have responsible authorities, responsive to people's needs and requests, and citizens who are actively involved in decision-making and supervise the rational and correct use of public money.


Conditions of participation


Students of grades VIII-XII from gymnasiums and high schools throughout the country, including from the Transnistrian region, can participate in the contest. The materials must be produced with one's own efforts, in Romanian, Russian or English. A participant can apply with only one work in each of the categories of the contest.


Submission of files


To participate in the competition, students will send their works to the email addresses: and with the mention in the title of the message "Good governance competition".


The paper will be accompanied by an informative note with the following mandatory information:


  • the title/name of the paper and a brief description of the meaning/message;

  • the name and surname of the author;

  • town, educational institution, class/group;

  • a contact phone number and email address.


Deadline for submission of files: June 15, 2021, 6 p.m.


Evaluation of files


The works submitted to the competition will be evaluated by experts from API and outside the organization. The members of the jury will evaluate the works according to the following criteria:


  • correspondence to the announced theme;

  • expressiveness and originality of the work;

  • logical exposition of the message;

  • presentation ethics and copyright compliance.


Between June 20 and July 20, 2021, the works accepted in the competition will be displayed on a special web page, and visitors to the page will be able to vote for their favorite work/works.


Awards of the winners


The totalization of the contest results will take place in August 2021, during a festive event that will take place at a guesthouse in Vadul lui Vodă or online, depending on the pandemic situation in the country and the sanitary restrictions valid at that time .


The authors of the two best works from each category of the contest, as well as the public's favorite (voting on the web page) in each category, will be awarded with valuable gifts.


The contest rules can be downloaded HERE.


For additional information: Ion Mazur, Project Coordinator, tel.: 068 983 983, e-mail:


The competition is carried out with the financial support of the European Union and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Its content is the exclusive responsibility of the "Responsibility and civic involvement for good governance" project, implemented by the Independent Press Association (API), within the grant program "Development of civil society at the local level in the Republic of Moldova" and does not necessarily reflect the views of European Union.