
Coverage of Corruption in Moldovan Media. Monitoring Report No. 1

This report presents the results of the monitoring of how 13 media outlets covered corruption issues. This is the first of three planned reports. Monitoring period: June-July 2023


Coverage of Corruption in Moldovan Media. Monitoring Report No. 2

This report presents the results of the monitoring of how 13 media outlets covered corruption issues. This is the second of three planned reports. Monitoring period: August-September 2023.


Coverage of Corruption in Moldovan Media. Monitoring Report No. 3

This report presents the results of the monitoring of how 13 media outlets covered corruption issues. This is the third of three planned reports. Monitoring period: October-November 2023.


Raport de monitorizare nr. 2 din perspectiva diversității și incluziunii sociale

Raportul prezintă rezultatele monitorizării modului în care 15 media au reflectat tematica referitoare la diversitate și incluziune. Este al doilea raport din cele trei preconizate. Perioada de monitorizare: septembrie-octombrie 2023.